What Is Hypnotherapy, And How Can It Help Me?


Hypnotherapy is really just a combination of attention, focus and relaxation, and anyone who really wants to is able benefit from its remarkable effects. It is not sleep, and you are always able to come back to full awareness at any time during an induction.

Although a popular misconception is that hypnosis is a form of unconsciousness resembling sleep, contemporary research suggests that it is actually a wakeful state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, with diminished peripheral awareness.

It is essentially a dream-like or sleep-like state, which is induced by the therapist. This is a natural state for everyone. It happens to nearly everyone, at some time during their day.

You can hear samples of my hypnotherapy titles here
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Can Hypnosis Really Help To Overcome My Fears?

Yes it can! Let's say that you were terrified of lightning. You believed it was going to strike you. You can't explain why, because nothing bad has ever happened to you when there's been lightning around, but it makes you panic just to think of it.

Through hypnosis. it's possible to by-pass that critical part of your conscious mind, and go directly to your belief system and alter that. Then you accept the new information as being true, and you wouldn't be anywhere near as scared any more, but of course you'd still exercise reasonable care, as everyone should.

It doesn't mean that a hypnotherapist can tell lies and have you believe them. Rather, that the beliefs you held (for example, lightning going to strike you), were not true in the first place.

This then, is like changing the existing software on your computer. The new belief becomes an integral part of your belief system, so that when outside information is compared, it matches!


Yes it can! Let's say that you were terrified of lightning. You believed it was going to strike you. You can't explain why, because nothing bad has ever happened to you when there's been lightning around, but it makes you panic just to think of it.

Through hypnosis. it's possible to by-pass that critical part of your conscious mind, and go directly to your belief system and alter that. Then you accept the new information as being true, and you wouldn't be anywhere near as scared any more, but of course you'd still exercise reasonable care, as everyone should.

It doesn't mean that a hypnotherapist can tell lies and have you believe them. Rather, that the beliefs you held (for example, lightning going to strike you), were not true in the first place.

This then, is like changing the existing software on your computer. The new belief becomes an integral part of your belief system, so that when outside information is compared, it matches!

Ask Yourself These Questions

  • Is my fear taking up a lot of my time, and do I think about it often?

  • Is my fear forcing me to do things the hard way?

  • Is my fear forcing me to avoid certain situations?

  • Is my fear affecting relationships in my life?

  • Is my fear affecting me physically? For example, do my hands shake? do I get headaches etc?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I can help you.

I will work with you so that you understand the nature of your fears, and I'll teach you strategies that will enable you to confront your fears with courage and confidence.

You can hear samples of my hypnotherapy titles here

How To Control Anxiety, And Enjoy Your Life.

Here Are Some Examples Of This State:

Have you ever been driving to a destination, and then suddenly realised that you've driven five blocks, and don't remember doing it? You may even have gone through traffic lights. Were they green? You can't recall, but if they were red, you would have stopped anyway because even in that state, you still have control.

How about when you go to the movies, and before the show starts, you're aware of everyone and everything around you. When the movie starts, your focus is on the story, and everything around you seems to fade away. You're now only vaguely aware of your surroundings.

How Do I Get To This State?

Hypnotic suggestions may be delivered by me as your hypnotherapist ("hetero-suggestion"), or may be self-administered ("autosuggestion"), a technique which I can teach you. The use of hypnotism for therapeutic purposes is referred to as "hypnotherapy". I believe that all hypnosis is really "Self-Hypnosis". I simply work as your facilitator, and I show you how to achieve this state yourself whenever you want to, so that you have real control in your life. How good would that feel? Of course, you do need to be really committed to change. Are you up to it? Are you truly ready?

If yes, I know I can help you.

My hypnosis can be used to break undesirable habits, develop self-confidence, overcome fears and accomplish many other things. For many people, it works when all other treatments have not.

What Is Hypnosis, And How Is It Really Defined?

Hypnosis is defined as "The by-pass of the critical factor of the conscious mind and the establishment of acceptable selective thinking".

What Is The "Critical Factor"?

The "Critical Factor" is the part of the conscious mind that blocks suggestions or information that conflicts with established beliefs, or existing information in the subconscious mind. It's the part of the conscious mind that blocks suggestions or information that conflicts with established beliefs, or existing information in the subconscious mind. Hypnosis is simply the conveying of suggestions while you're in a state of deep relaxation, so don't be misled into believing that hypnosis only works for some people. Everyone can by-pass the critical factor of their conscious mind.

How Does This Work?

Your conscious mind is constantly receiving information from the outside world. It compares or "screens" this information to verify its validity. This happens in much the same way that your computer will check your system for an earlier version of a saved document. If it finds an existing file of the same name, it will ask if you wish to overwrite it. When you click "Yes", you by-pass the Critical Factor, and the new document (with the same name), supersedes the previous version. Your conscious mind though, can block any new information that conflicts with your existing beliefs. It's like clicking "No" instead of "Yes" on your computer. Your conscious mind will compare the new information to what you believe, and it would be rejected as untrue. Hypnosis is therefore simply the conveying of suggestions while you're in a state of deep relaxation, so don't be misled into believing that hypnosis only works for some people. Everyone can by-pass the critical factor of their conscious mind. So if you're battling with some sort of problem and you can't find the solution,maybe you should see me. With my unique style and tried and proven strategies, I've helped thousands of people overcome all sorts of issues. You can find out more about specific issues by using the menu at the top of this page.

Is Your Life Being Ruined By Fears Or Phobias?

You're entitled to be happy, but if you suffer from anxiety, you'll know that life can sometimes be a bit miserable. Your anxiety can feel like it has control over you, stopping you from doing the things you really want to do.

Anxiety is an invisible enemy. It can sneak up on you and take you by surprise. Just when you think you've got things under control, you start to feel it on the inside, but outwardly everything appears fine. You may even find yourself asking "What's happening to me"? "What's wrong with me"? "Why am I different from everyone else"?

The truth is that you're not different. Most of have experienced anxiety or "panic" at some time in our lives. We just don't talk about it. If we did, we'd realise that most others had felt the same way.

Because we think and feel we are different, we start to avoid situations that cause us to feel anxious or nervous, and a cycle starts. It's a cycle of avoidance, feeling angry or sad, because we can't participate in things we used to enjoy, and we become afraid of those uncomfortable feelings. So, it becomes easier to avoid them.

I will explain the truth about anxiety. We'll look at anxiety from every angle, so that you know it inside out.

I'll show you the tricks it plays, and how to identify them. When you really know anxiety, you can deal with it on your terms. You can take away its control, and have real power over it.

Facts About Anxiety:

1. Anxiety is the body's way of protecting us from a threat or danger. It's what we calll the "Fight or Flight" response.

2. You may feel as if you're going to lose control or are going to faint. These sensations are completely natural and harmless.

3. Anxiety can affect anybody at any age. It's not discerning in any way.

4. Anxiety (or nervousness) will never really "go away". It's a part of natures survival kit. But, you can learn to manage it.

5. Anxiety diminishes confidence and self-esteem, which takes away from happiness.

I Can Help You.

I have some really effective techniques that will allow you to have more control over your anxiety. You'll be more comfortable in any situation that caused you to "stress out". You'll be amazed at the positive changes in yourself.

You can hear samples of my hypnotherapy titles here

Hypnosis Is Also Wonderful For Helping Children

I have some really effective techniques that will allow you to have more control over your anxiety. You'll be more comfortable in any situation that caused you to "stress out". You'll be amazed at the positive changes in yourself.

You can hear samples of my hypnotherapy titles here
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